This is my forum for telling the world
keeping me busy these days.

This is the antenna tuner mounted on the wall in the utility room.
antenna system consists of an end-fed 130 foot (39 meter) wire, 20 to
25 feet (6 to 7 1/2 meters) off the ground. Since the radio I'm using
with this antenna, the Yaesu FT-817ND, has general coverage receive as
well as ham transceive, I need a wide-range tuner, especially if I want
to use it to receive AM broadcast. The radio location is on an end
table in the living room, so the tuner must be remotely located and I
can't use large coax. The radio only generates 5 watts, so an automatic
tuner that is reasonably efficient is out of the question.
Anyway, an autotuner won't work for Radio Moscow. There's a wall to go
through, so an IR remote won't work, and an RF remote for an RF system
seems problematic. So we're down to a wired remote. The living room
means I can't use a garden hose sized wire. So 8 conductors is about
the limit. As much as possible, I wanted to use materials I already
have, so this is more a "how I did it" than a "how to make one just
like mine. Next Page
Comments? Email me - jim (at)