This is my forum for telling the world what's keeping me busy these days.

Example pic
The zepp antenna, so named because it was used on zeppelins. It's an end-fed half wave.
In this picture we've taken the 3/4 wave vertical and made a 90 degree kink in it, showing what's actually happening. It's a half wave wire (or pipe) fed with a shorted quarter wave transmission line. With the short at the bottom, the top is theoretically infinite impedance. With a correct  length wire the number becomes real (between 1500 and 5000 ohms) and can be matched to 50 ohms, using the parallel line as a transformer. Since it is a transmission line, it doesn't have to be any particular spacing, or even a spaced line at all. I made one for experimental purposes using direct-burial CATV wire somewhere between RG-6 and RG-11 in size for both the transformer and the radiator. It seemed to work OK, though I imagine that I was losing some signal in the 100 to 1 SWR at the tippy top of the transformer. I also built one using twin-lead, and I will be trying #14 bare copper with a plastic frame to space the transformer wires, and an inline one using speaker wire.

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